Sunday, June 5, 2011


In a far away plane of abstract orign, a castle sits atop a floating island.  The only water to be seen from the outside is the the perfectly geometrical semi-sphere shaped ice, floating from large to mindblowing sizes about the outside of the island.  inside this castle, within the very middle of its halls, sets a room filled with mirrors with liquid faces.  when one gazes upon these mirrors he would find altered mirages of themselves.  Each rippling in their own fashion, each a glimpse of who the subject would be if they were in a differnt timeline. If this decision or that was made differnt.  With the room lit by a mixture of floating candles and multicolored crystals, its every detail could be seen, except for its one and only true inhabitant. 
 The Dark wizard Denkezal always carries with him his own darkness, his own troubled psyche.  His cloak and hood shrouds only his appearance.  However his aura tells far more than he would care to show.  The sins of his past, the trouble thoughts that tumbled through his head, all resound around him with a faint echo of undiscernable whispers.  it is these thoughts that have brought him here, to the center pedestal overseeing all the mirrors in his room of windows.  All and espeacially one.  The center mirror clouded by a red frost.  Depicting within its near frozen frame a being of blood violence and power.
    "Why must this creature unbalance everything!"  Denkezals rasping voice echoes through the room.  His BLue glowing eyes, Theonly feature visible under his hood, scans the mirrors.  Finding within each mirror a symptom of the center mirror's black and red contamination. with a hand assumably caressing the underside of his face, his troubled thoughts center on a single answer, an answer he does not like.
 "If he wont be stopped by the natural order, i guess i must do something about it."
 With his mind made up, his nad stretches out wards, the mystic tattos splayed across his fingers and on down, continously shift and change, slowly than faster and faster, as his hand moves from one of the mirrors on the walls to the next.  as the palm of his hand points towards a mirror, the images within change faster than a normal eye could follow.  Once the palm passes over, the image either returned to its normal state, or it froze on a single image of a person.  After circling the entire room, which took some time considering the vast number of mirrors stored in that small room.  Three figures sat frozen inside the frames of only three of the mirrors.
 One of the mirrors paused at the visage of what appeared to be a man shaped machine, with stripes of red white and blu colors across each shoulder, and a giant white star set inside a giant blue circle which was obviously carelessly spray painted onto its chest.  in this man shaped machines arms rested what seemed to be some type of high tech rifle, its whole demeanor screams military training.
 In another frame a man diving into a a giant vehicle, his whole visage a blur with motion, all that could be truly discerned is the tank top shirt, the muscalar arms, the shine of his nearly bald head, and the trail of smoke from what appears to be a cigar in his mouth.
 the third and for now final image, is that of a rugged man, his hands stretched out into a claw pose.  upon his face the fires of a feral rage coming from his eyes light up his features in powerful detail. a nose that looks to have been broken at least 20 times.  the gleam of his white canined teeth.  the high brow furrowed in a pleasant anger. the muscles of his jaw clentched and pulsing under unshaven cheeks.  Behind him the trees are blured almostas much as his legs.  An animal in an enraged charge.
 Out of all these planes of existance, The Great denkezal, watcher of the multiverse scales of order, has chosen these!  Either this man is insane, or a genious.
 "these shall be my first allies, an angel in the guise of a soldier, a mercenary whos first love will always be that of destructive vehicles, and a man who uses his primal side better than any man would a sword.  combined with my knowledge these three should be able to begin the process of stopping this mad series of events."  Feeling now that it has been made official, denkezal raises both hands to the ceiling and the whole room is bathed in light.

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